It's a little superstar.
The application program for your iPhone that has limitless possibilities again in AppStore by one appears. Physical engine developed to reproduce movement of candy in former work DropOut. We promoted it by one step further, and succeeded in the reproduction of the kaleidoscope on a small screen of iPhone!

It's makes your sensibility an embodiment.
Let's make the kaleidoprojector that uses only your favorite materials from among more than 40 kinds of prepared materials when becoming accustomed to the application program. The pattern produced with materials for which the close examination is prepared in the close examination repeatedly is never repeated again as well as the thing. Potential that an unexpected masterpiece arises is hidden from only caprice of you.

Function only of iPhone.
The moment that the kaleidoscope begins to draw is not missed and the function only of camera iPhone that makes the kaleidoscope like the function etc. happier by taking a snap shot function to preserve as an image and surrounding scenery into the kaleidoscope is a lot of pilings. Kaleidoscope with not endless person of charm in symmetry and contingency the world. It would be greatly appreciated when it is possible to get it by enjoying the world with Kaleidoprojector anytime and anywhere.